Tuesday, May 17, 2011


  • Pax Romana: began when Augustus took over, a period of peace and prosperity
  • built roads and aqueducts(brought water to the city)
  • setup postal service, grain supply and services to take care of roads
  • Augustus died at age 76 in A.D. 14 and passes the power onto Tiberius
  • Jesus was a Roman citizen and a Jew
  • Jesus began his ministry at age 30 and preached to the poor
  • Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death
  • Jesus claimed that his kingdom wasn't of their(Jews, Romans etc.) world, this made people nervous and lead to his sentencing of death
  • Romans were the only people with the right to crucify people
  • Paul told Jesus' life story and preached his message
  • traveled to multiple places, Cyprus, Anatolia, Athens, Corinth, Macedonia, Rome, Jerusalem, and possibly Spain and Britain
  • The most influential persons in history 1. Muhammad 2. Sir Isaac Newton 3. Jesus 4. Buddha 5. Confucius 6. St. Paul of Tarsus
  • Tiberius referred to the senate as "men fit to be slaves"
  • Tiberius died in AD 37 at the age of 77 passing the power onto Caligula
  • Caligula granted bonuses to the soldiers in the military
  • the senate said that everything was "blissful" at first
  • Caligula started to become bad and claimed himself a god and had statues of himself put into a Jewish temple in Jerusalem
  • Caligula slept with other men's wives and bragged to them about it
  • Caligula tried to make his horse a consul and a priest
  • Caligula was assassinated by his own aides AD 41 at age 28 and passed his power onto Claudius
  • Claudius was born with disabilities and was often made fun of
  • he conquered Britain, built roads, canals and aqueducts and renovated the Circus Maximus
  • Messalina, Claudius' wife was considered to be a nymphomaniac because she slept with ANYONE
  • Messalina tried to gain power for her lover Silius but Claudius saw this coming and had her killed 

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