Tuesday, May 17, 2011


  • Caligula took over after Tiberius dies
  • Caligula showed promise at first but then started becoming disturbed
  • Caligula was bipolar
  • Caligula ordered his army to collect seashells
  • Caligula was supposed to sacrifice an animal in a ceremony but instead killed the high priest
  • Caligula took away religious freedom
  • Caligula had a statue of himself put into the church of the Jews
  • Caligula was murdered by his closest aids
  • Claudius was took over after Caligula died
  • Claudius was deformed from birth and was the butt of all jokes
  • Claudius wanted integration among other countries within Rome
  • Claudius' wife often cheated on him and eventually left him for a nobleman and tried to have him become emperor
  • Claudius had his ex-wife and her husband killed

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