Tuesday, March 22, 2011


  • Ostracized: being banned/banished from your own land
  • Pericles: the leader of Athens at the highest of it's power
  • Pericles wanted Athens to be the most widely known City-State so people can bask in it's glory
  • Parthenon: a huge building built by Pericles' orders, it was a tribute to Athenia( took 20,000 tons of Marble to build)
  • Parthenon took 15 years to build
  • Friez: Pericles built monuments for the regular citizens
  • Aspasia: was technically a prostitute, Pericles treated her as an equal
  • World's first theater
  • Greeks invented drama: comedy and tragedy
  • Oedipus: was taken away from his parents at a very young age, he solved the riddle of the Sphinx, went to a fortune teller and she told him he was going to kill his father and marry his mother, he gouged his own eyes out
  • Hubris: Greek word that mean arrogance and pride
  • Pericles wanted to battle Sparta 

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