Thursday, March 24, 2011

Egypt Rap

Welcome to Egypt where most people are smart
But don't ever  make the Pharaoh  mad or he'll rip out your heart
Better build a pyramid before he dies
Or the gods will make fire rain from the skies
You work all day and night
So I think you just might
Keep workin don't give up the fight
Cause if you do then the Locusts will blot out the suns light
True story
It might sound a little gory
But that's not the half of it, it gets worse
If you don't wanna hear about it, skip this verse
Because im about to break it down
Here we go
Pharaoh refused to let his slaves go
Can you believe he told god no?!?!?
There's somethin wrong with this fool
He aint cool
So you can imagine god released his wrath and took this fool to school
Pharaoh broke one of the main rules
He didn't have faith in god
He had slaves and treated em kinda odd
There's somethin wrong with this fool
He aint cool
But anyways whatever this is word from The John Carroll School

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


  • Ostracized: being banned/banished from your own land
  • Pericles: the leader of Athens at the highest of it's power
  • Pericles wanted Athens to be the most widely known City-State so people can bask in it's glory
  • Parthenon: a huge building built by Pericles' orders, it was a tribute to Athenia( took 20,000 tons of Marble to build)
  • Parthenon took 15 years to build
  • Friez: Pericles built monuments for the regular citizens
  • Aspasia: was technically a prostitute, Pericles treated her as an equal
  • World's first theater
  • Greeks invented drama: comedy and tragedy
  • Oedipus: was taken away from his parents at a very young age, he solved the riddle of the Sphinx, went to a fortune teller and she told him he was going to kill his father and marry his mother, he gouged his own eyes out
  • Hubris: Greek word that mean arrogance and pride
  • Pericles wanted to battle Sparta 

Friday, March 18, 2011


  • The Athenians found a lot of silver in their land, the common people wanted to keep the money for themselves but Themistocles convinced the common people to use the money for the Navy
  • Xerxes took over after his father Darius died
  • Xerxes' army consisted of 2 million people
  • 480 B.C.: Xerxes set out to take over Greece
  • Oracles were thought of as people that could communicate with the Gods or could see the future
  • Dalphi was the most widely known Oracle
  • The Oracle told Athens that they were doomed
  • Salamis is an island off the coast of Athens where the Athenian soldiers gathered
  • Straits of Salamis is where Themistocles planned to fight Xerxes
  • Themistocles sent a fake traitor in to mislead Xerxes

Thursday, March 17, 2011


  • Hippeus helped Athens take a huge step back, his brother was killed and he went paranoid and started torturing people
  • Cleisthenes over took Hippeus
  • 40,000 people would attend the Olympics
  • All MEN could compete in the Olympics
  • Isagoris conspired against Cleisthenes and believed power was his right as an Aristocrat
  • Isagoris shared his wife with a Spartan king as a bargain for help
  • First time in human history that regular people rose up against their leader
  • Regular Athenians beat Spartans and re-took power
  • Cleisthenes invented Democracy
  • Pheidippedes 


  • 508 B.C. ordinary turn on their rulers.
  • Cleisthenes want the regular people to govern themselves.
  • Aristocrat- a member of the ruling class
  • Cleisthenes was an aristocrat 
  • Acropolis- Athens was built around and on this, it's big area of rock.
  • Aristocrats owned most of the land, hired people, and payed people whatever they felt like.
  • Regular people work long hours and you don't get much in return
  • Greece was divided into city-states
  • mountains separated the city-states, they spoke the same language, the same god, same experiences, just they didn't get a long.
  • Sparta was a big city state
  • Women had a fair amount of respect and a bigger responsibility than Athens society.  
  • covered 4,000 sq miles
  • Cleisthenes was inspired by the stories and myths. 
  • Iliad story of the Trojan wars, Odyssey story of Odisious trying to get home after the Trojan war. 
  • Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. 
  • Tyrant- somebody that comes in a seizes control. 
  • Pisistratus- Cleisthenes brother in law, comes in with "The Goddess" 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Greek Concepts

Arete- virtue and excellence

Epics- narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds

Myths were created to explain creation- Zeus: leader of the gods
                                                             Hera: Zeus' wife
                                                             Athena: goddess of wisdom

Culture in Decline

Around 1200 B.C. sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace

The Dorians moved into the war-torn region
-far less advanced
-economy collapsed
-writing disappeared for 400 years

The beginning of Greek history


began around 200 B.C.

Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft thick wall

Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200 B.C.
-controlled trade in the region

1400 B.C. Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language