Wednesday, May 18, 2011


  • Western Wall: holiest of all Jewish shrines
  • half a million Jews died when they tried to rebel against the Roman Empire
  • Romans had many gods, emperors were often viewed as gods
  • after the rebellion of the Jews(lost) the Roman army burned down their shrines
  • Romans were harsh against people who didn't worship their gods or their emperor, especially Christians who were viewed as a cult because they were a new upcoming religion
  • Christians were thrown into the Colosseum with wild, angry and starving animals as "entertainment"
  • by AD 200 10% of the Roman population were Christians, even though they were treated harshly the Christian religion grew quickly

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


  • Pax Romana: began when Augustus took over, a period of peace and prosperity
  • built roads and aqueducts(brought water to the city)
  • setup postal service, grain supply and services to take care of roads
  • Augustus died at age 76 in A.D. 14 and passes the power onto Tiberius
  • Jesus was a Roman citizen and a Jew
  • Jesus began his ministry at age 30 and preached to the poor
  • Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death
  • Jesus claimed that his kingdom wasn't of their(Jews, Romans etc.) world, this made people nervous and lead to his sentencing of death
  • Romans were the only people with the right to crucify people
  • Paul told Jesus' life story and preached his message
  • traveled to multiple places, Cyprus, Anatolia, Athens, Corinth, Macedonia, Rome, Jerusalem, and possibly Spain and Britain
  • The most influential persons in history 1. Muhammad 2. Sir Isaac Newton 3. Jesus 4. Buddha 5. Confucius 6. St. Paul of Tarsus
  • Tiberius referred to the senate as "men fit to be slaves"
  • Tiberius died in AD 37 at the age of 77 passing the power onto Caligula
  • Caligula granted bonuses to the soldiers in the military
  • the senate said that everything was "blissful" at first
  • Caligula started to become bad and claimed himself a god and had statues of himself put into a Jewish temple in Jerusalem
  • Caligula slept with other men's wives and bragged to them about it
  • Caligula tried to make his horse a consul and a priest
  • Caligula was assassinated by his own aides AD 41 at age 28 and passed his power onto Claudius
  • Claudius was born with disabilities and was often made fun of
  • he conquered Britain, built roads, canals and aqueducts and renovated the Circus Maximus
  • Messalina, Claudius' wife was considered to be a nymphomaniac because she slept with ANYONE
  • Messalina tried to gain power for her lover Silius but Claudius saw this coming and had her killed 


  • Caligula took over after Tiberius dies
  • Caligula showed promise at first but then started becoming disturbed
  • Caligula was bipolar
  • Caligula ordered his army to collect seashells
  • Caligula was supposed to sacrifice an animal in a ceremony but instead killed the high priest
  • Caligula took away religious freedom
  • Caligula had a statue of himself put into the church of the Jews
  • Caligula was murdered by his closest aids
  • Claudius was took over after Caligula died
  • Claudius was deformed from birth and was the butt of all jokes
  • Claudius wanted integration among other countries within Rome
  • Claudius' wife often cheated on him and eventually left him for a nobleman and tried to have him become emperor
  • Claudius had his ex-wife and her husband killed

Thursday, May 12, 2011


  • Tiberius order that Caligula's two older brother were executed and that his mother was exiled
  • Tiberius turned his back on Rome and went to an island and indulged in sick sexual fantasies with boys and girls
  • Sejanus was the only one that had access to Tiberius during his withdrawal from Rome
  • Tiberius turned on Sejanus and wanted Caligula to become the next leader of Rome
  • Sejanus was strangled and thrown into the Tiber river
  • Jesus preached to the poor, but they were outraged when Jesus proposed that there was an empire greater than that of Rome's

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


  • July- named after Julius Caesar
  • August- named after Octavian Augustus
  • Augustus- means "exalted one"
  • Spain, Africa, Greece and Syria become part of the Roman Empire during the 1st century
  • Tiberius- adopted son of Octavian Augustus, takes over after Octavian Augustus dies, forced to divorce his previous wife so he could marry Octavian Augustus' daughter as a political gesture
  • The Roman army protests because they are displeased with the way they are treated
  • Germanicus steps in and helps solve the problem
  • Caligula, "Bootsie" is the son of Germanicus, he saw the real values and virtues of the Roman army
  • Tiberius had Germanicus killed because he was accomplishing what he couldn't and was a threat to Tiberius' position

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mark Michael, Jason Drager

Julius Caesar was killed in the Pompey theater
stabbed 23 times
the leader of the assassination was Gaius Cassius
March 15 the ides of March

Rita Watson, Colleen McCormick

The Rubican was a stream that marked the ancient boundary between Italy and Cisalpine
Julius Caesar started rising in 60BC
JC started his conquest to Gaul in 58BC
made a decision that caused the fall of the Roman Republic
stayed in Gaul until chosen to be consul
lead his army across the Rubicon
Triumvirate, political alliance between Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus Financer and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus General they divided up the Roman Empire