Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today 4/27

Republic: A government system of which "the people" or a significant amount of them hold supreme control over the government.
Gravitas: A Roman virtue emphasizing seriousness.
Pater familias: father of the family, head of the household
Toga: A large wool blanket worn as a garment by being wrapped around the body
Patrician: The original aristocrat family of Ancient Rome
Plebeian: The common people of Ancient Rome
Legion: An infantry made up of 4,000-6,000 heavily armed foot soldiers
Century: one of the 60 branches or parts of the legion that is broken up, A much smaller infantry

1. How did geography help Rome? Rome was located in an area where they had the ability to send out ships and armies in all directions. Rome was also located near the Tiber River making trade easy.

2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
Latins: The first settlers of Rome, without them there would be no Rome
Greeks: Spread there colonies farther and brought all of Italy closer to Greek customs and civilization
Etruscans: very civilized people that had a writing system unlike Latins but soon introduced the Latins to their writing system, help develop trade and architecture

3. What were the values of early Roman society? It seemed like brawn was valued more than brain in the Roman society. Discipline, strength and loyalty were the main characteristics that were valued

4. How was the Roman household organized? The oldest man was the head of the household usually being the father, everything belonged to him.
    What freedoms did women have in the family and in society? Women had the right to won property, testify in court and was considered a citizen.

5. How was the army linked to Roman society? Roman men were required to serve in the military and if you wanted to hold public office you had to serve ten years as a soldier.

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