Thursday, April 28, 2011


Consul: A king like official that controlled the army and the government, two were appointed at a time.
Veto:"I forbid"
Senate: aristocratic branch of government
Assembly: democratic branch of government
Dictator: A leader with absolute power over laws and the military
Mercenary: Soldiers that would fight for any country for pay

1a. Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?Plebeians weren't allowed the right to hold most important positions in government.
1b. How did they win reforms? Thousands of Plebeians refused to fight in the Roman army.
1c. What changes did they bring about in Roman government? They published their laws and it was made known that any free citizen had the right to be protected by the law. Patricians and Plebeians were allowed to marry. Plebeians were allowed to hold important positions in the government.

2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government? They had a mixture of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Democracy they believed that this mixture gave them the best of each government.

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people? They were granted freedom to some extent, some were actually given the right to vote while others weren't but could still live a normal life.

4a. At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power? Carthage had a Navy and was richer.
4b. Why was Rome, in fact, the victor? Rome had twice the amount of soldiers, their soldiers were more loyal and reliable and warfare was their specialty.

5. Why was the battle of Zama a major turning point in history? If the Romans weren't victorious then it's laws and government might not have ever been passed onto Western Civilization.

6a. Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman armies? The Romans freed the Greeks from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.
6b.  Why did the Greek attitude change? The Romans started interfering with Greek politics.
  • Tarquin was the last Roman King, he was cruel to his people and was literally ran out of town by the people
  • Demos- common people
  • Romulus killed his brother Remus, hence the name Rome

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today 4/27

Republic: A government system of which "the people" or a significant amount of them hold supreme control over the government.
Gravitas: A Roman virtue emphasizing seriousness.
Pater familias: father of the family, head of the household
Toga: A large wool blanket worn as a garment by being wrapped around the body
Patrician: The original aristocrat family of Ancient Rome
Plebeian: The common people of Ancient Rome
Legion: An infantry made up of 4,000-6,000 heavily armed foot soldiers
Century: one of the 60 branches or parts of the legion that is broken up, A much smaller infantry

1. How did geography help Rome? Rome was located in an area where they had the ability to send out ships and armies in all directions. Rome was also located near the Tiber River making trade easy.

2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
Latins: The first settlers of Rome, without them there would be no Rome
Greeks: Spread there colonies farther and brought all of Italy closer to Greek customs and civilization
Etruscans: very civilized people that had a writing system unlike Latins but soon introduced the Latins to their writing system, help develop trade and architecture

3. What were the values of early Roman society? It seemed like brawn was valued more than brain in the Roman society. Discipline, strength and loyalty were the main characteristics that were valued

4. How was the Roman household organized? The oldest man was the head of the household usually being the father, everything belonged to him.
    What freedoms did women have in the family and in society? Women had the right to won property, testify in court and was considered a citizen.

5. How was the army linked to Roman society? Roman men were required to serve in the military and if you wanted to hold public office you had to serve ten years as a soldier.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Emily Kennedy

Where was Alexander born?
When did Alexander begin tutoring with Aristotle?
Who was Alexander's father?
When did Alexander declare war on Persia?
What age did Alexander die at?


Alexander's horse was named Bucepholus
Bucepholus died in 326 B.C. at a battle in Jhelum, Pakistan
Researcher's now believe that Alexander was either bisexual or homosexual
Alexander was 20 when he first started conquering
Alexander's goal was to reach the end of the Earth

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Phillip of Macedon is Alexander The Great's father
Aristotle is Alexander's tutor
Alexander was taught that Greek's were made to rule
Alexander was told by his mother that his real father was Achilles
Alexander took over when he was 20 when his father died
Alexander only killed those who rose up against him and tried to take over, other than that he joined forces and mixed cultures
The Battle of Gaugamala the Persians outnumbered Alexander's forces 6 to 1

Today 4/13

Today Mr.Schick made an awesome point about thinking for yourself. Socrates was the first Greek to really start thinking for himself and using reason to explain things such as Eclipses and Weather.