Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Notes Jason, Cole and Amir

Pyramids were built by workers who lived in villages by the pyramid build site. not the slaves or foreginers
these villages had bakers, brewers, garneries, houses, even health care facilities
some people were official employees of the pharaoh some were women
many workers too a lot of pride in their work
at giza about 20 to 30 thousand people worked on the pyramids over 80 years
egyptians believed when pharoahs died they became king od the dead
the new pharaoh became king of the sun and the heavens
people believed that people had to take care of the pharoajs dead body because a part of their spirit remained or disasyter would befall egypt
people would give the pharoah everything they need for their afterlife liek food, dolls, gold furniture
pharoahs didnt only get pyramids sometimes they only had a tomb but it was enourmos
at first huge tombs were built with a mound of dirt over it
these inspired pyramids
Some Pyramids are
step pyramid of djoser
maidum pyramid
Bent Pyramid
Red Pyramid
Great Pyramid ( the largest)
Pyramid of Phafre
Pyramid of Menkaure
Pyramid of pepi II
The tombs built before pyramids were called mastabas
Egyptians believed Pharoahs were gods so they built the pyramids as tombs for them,
he first pyramid was the step pyramid at saqquara built for king zoser in 2750 BC
the pyramids were constructed out of limestone blocks and desert clay
the pyramids were meant to mimic the kings palace one main burial room and other small rooms surrounding it containing thingss like jewerly
most people say the pyramids were built in 3200 BC
Built during the Old and Middle King periods
King Khufu began building pyramoids
And the links are

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